Thursday, 13 January 2011

How to access your credit information report(loans detail from all banks taken/paid) Read more: How to access your credit information report(loans detail from all banks taken/paid)

Your credit information report (CIR) contains details of your credit history and track record in taking and repaying loans from banks and finance companies. A loan applicant with a good credit record will find access to loans easier, faster and on favourable terms.

The Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd (Cibil) consolidates the information on individual borrowers’ credit history, sourced from different member credit institutions such as banks,credit card companies and NBFCs, into a single report called the CIR. This is then made available to its members (banks, finance companies) to facilitate their lending decisions.

You can access your own CIR for a fee. You can also check and correct errors in the report and to initiate action to improve your credit record. It is a good idea to keep your CIR updated and correct, so it is easier and faster for you to apply and get loans at competitive rates.

1) Fill up a CIR request form. It can be downloaded from

2) Also submit self-attested copies of address proof (bank statement, utility bill) and identify proof (PAN card, passport or voter’s ID.)

3) Make demand draft Rs 142 in favour of 'Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd', payable at Mumbai.

4) Send documents and draft to Cibil at: Hoechst House, 6th Floor, 193 Backbay Reclamation, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021

Points to note

Restricted Access: Your CIR is accessible only to you and to members of Cibil who may want to cross check the credentials of a prospective borrower. A third person cannot see your CIR.

Corrections: If you find errors in your CIR, you have to approach your lender. Cibil will alter the CIR only when members report changes.

Rating: CIR only provides factual information on your repayment record. It does not classify, rank or rate you based on your credit history.

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